The aim is to describe the importance of clinical history and physical examination in the care provided by nurses. Maria Itayra Coelho de Souza Padilha. Acta Paul Enferm ; 18 3: Published online Nov 6. All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
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The discussions resulted in important decisions. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. Thus, the need to investigate the objects of nursing with new glasses was disseminated, and qualitative research was used; with that, nursing actions were improved, based on scientific theory. How to cite this article. Open in a separate window.
Its implementation is aimed at individualized care, holistic, humane and scientific foundation. This path motivated the development of specific knowledge, by means of theoretical elaborations, providing a new manner of perceiving the phenomena involved in the care practice. The limited use and impact of scientific production related to nursing in the practice setting needs consideration when referring to nursing research in Brazil, as a challenge of the present times.
Processo de Enfermagem (Record no. 30734)
Ensino Do Processo de Enfermagem: National Center for Biotechnology InformationU. However, it is necessary to understand nursing research as a manner of growth, development and valuing of the profession for society, and not only as an instrument that nurses use in order to obtain knowledge for their daily practice. The history and physical examination are part of data collection of the Nursing Process. In the last decades, initiatives for the development of endermagem research, whether individual, collaborative or multi-centered, have multiplied all over the world, with the objective of improving the provision of quality care, patient safety and more effective health policies.
Historicity of the ways in which knowledge production impacts practice
This means the awakening and understanding of a class that is perceived not enfermmagem as a work force, but also one that partakes of the full exercise of a profession, making use of the incessant search for knowledge.
Esc Anna Nery Rev Enferm ; 10 3: Beginning in the s, Brazilian nursing started to develop its own knowledge, aguuiar on nursing theories, with the aim of systematization of the care provided by professionals, and stimulating the research of new objects from different qualitative perspectives.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Several factors contributed to the widening of nursing research, many of them coming from ABEn, such as: Acta Paul Enferm ; 18 3: Importance of history and physical examination for the care of nurses.
Etimologicamente, a palavra anamnese vem do grego anamnesise significa recordar. This envermagem originated the National Seminar of Nursing Research, in ; the development and establishment of the Brazilian Congresses of Nursing, with subjects related to practice needs, and especially, the dissemination and socialization of research results in the periodicals of the health and nursing areas, both nationally and internationally 1.
Estes podem ser obtidos, utilizando-se: The Brazilian nurses dedicated to research can be classified according to the international criteria, namely: Professional image and identity in the construction of nursing knowledge.
Enfermagek need to fight for the visibility of nursing research 6. The results of this research will enable nursing students and health professionals can better understand the importance of history taking and physical examination to their professional practice, implement properly all stages of NAS and arouse interest in research on this topic.
Maria Ivete Ribeiro de Oliveira, Dean of the University of Bahia School of Nursing, stated in an keynote lecture the need for a systematized body of scientific knowledge, which, grounded on nursing theories, would be the basis for generalizations, in order to proceed with further investigations, new knowledge and, consequently, the renewal and modernization of professional practice.
From the s, the health area witnessed the emergence of Evidence-Based Medicine EBMwhich stated that scientific findings were more reliable as a basis for clinical decisions than the opinions of authorities, which influenced the other health disciplines of the world 4.
This new knowledge also renews and modernizes agyiar education, as well as improve the nursing care in a cycle that establishes and nurtures the work of the profession. Partnerships between schools, dd services, and scientists are essential, with a change of roles from the one who produces the knowledge and the one who applies the knowledge that has been produced.

Texto Contexto Enferm ; 17 1: The vacuum that still needs to be filled, in my view, is the strengthening of studies that really aim at the transformation and integration between the scientific community and the care community.
Rev Latino-am Enfermagem ; 6 3: As bases do cientificismo na enfermagem dee Brasil vieram do PE descrito e socializado por Wanda Horta. Support Center Support Center. Services on Demand Journal.
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